Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is Social Media a Significant Political Force?

Most people assume that the online craze in American politics online and in social networks has lead to increased political involvement. Supporters of the technology revolution credit Obama's success in 2008 and the Republican's success in 2010 to the effectiveness of their online campaigning and use of social media. However, there is much evidence to suggest it takes more than a million facebook fans or thousands of twitter followers to win an election. Peter Daou, Hillary Clinton’s online campaign manager, explains: “Devoid of a compelling message to spur their use, the most advanced web tools will lie fallow” (Basen 2). Daou argues that although the internet is an effective tool, the real reason for Obama’s victory was his message of change and the real game winner for the Republicans in 2010 was their “mad as hell” message (Basen 3). In his New Yorker article: Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. Malcolm Gladwell explains: "The platforms of social media are built around weak ties… But weak ties seldom lead to high-risk activism” (Gladwell 3). He is saying that it takes almost no effort to follow someone on twitter or friend them on facebook, it doesn’t cost anything and it doesn’t require any sacrifices. This idea suggests that the social media doesn’t cultivate monumental political activism undermines predictions that the Internet will revolutionize politics.

1 comment:

Kevin Petrick said...

I strongly believe that the social media is changing the face of politics. If you look at the facts from th 2008 election, Barack Obama won based on his online campaign. Younger American voters like to go online in order to get their political information. By presenting an appealing campaign online, a voter can gain mass support (Obama won over 70% of the vote of American under the age of 30). In addition Youtube and other video sharing websites are influential. Politicans are beginning to campaign by producing Youtube videos. In addition the average American can aid their favorite candidates campaign by making a video of their own.