Sunday, August 29, 2010

US Considers Possibility of Engaging North Korea


Mike Murphy said...

I think that the US should absolutely consider engaging North Korea. The North Korean government continues to pursue a nuclear program even and that is a risk to the safety of the world. They have continuously acted aggressively towards South Korea and the US and have proven themselves a radical nation who i feel should not be trusted with Nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

I feel that it would be imprudent for the United States to engage North Korea in a military conflict, because there are far too many parallels to former US involvements, such as Vietnam and Korea. It would be advantageous to first pursue further sanctions and, if absolutely necessary, provide South Korea with the necessary materials for war. Sending troops prematurely could result in a situation comparable to the Iraqi war, which proved to be drawn out for far longer than need be, and financially draining.

Grace munro said...

I think if the US does engage North Korea it should be as a last resort. I think the United Nations should take primary action against against North Korea's nuclear programs before the US gets entangled in North Korea's nuclear crisis.