Sunday, August 29, 2010

For Republicans, an ’80 Déjà Vu?


Ben Ligas said...

While it definitely MAY become a 1980's situation where Republicans gain control of the Senate I have to say it is more probable that that year was more like 2008 and this is more likely a 1982 election year. As the economy was stumbling and Reagan's achievements as President at that point didnt look exactly promising the oppostion stood poised to take advantage and took numerous seats from the Republicans. In a slowly recovering economy today that still has high unemployment at 9.5% I believe that the stage has been set for a 1982 political situation where the President's majority is disrupted by an insurgent opposition taking advantage of the poor economic situation. And if things progress as they did in 1982 however, the President may still win in a massive landslide like Reagan did in 1984 as the economy boomed after the midterms.

B. De Graff said...

It is quite possible that the republicans will regain many seats in the house this election year due to the slow progress with the economic climate. This situation displays the natural progression of moderate voters swinging from the left to right and vice versa according to the economic situation.. This trend can be seen throughout the twentieth century, and the first decade of this century as we have already seen a liberal swing and are now experiencing a conservative back swing..