Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Palins Ensure They Stay in the News

Sarah Palin has formed a media empire by appearing at different TV shows, publishing two books, shooting for major magazine covers, delivering speeches actively, and being on promotional trips for her books. She has published her second book "America by Heart" ranked No. 10 on Arizona's best-seller list, according to New York Times.

We can see that Palin is casting much public attention and has become an iconic politician. However, I worry that her huge media effect is disproportional to his political impact. Even though she has been active with donors for Election 2012, her public image has insensibly transferred from a politician running for president to a supporting role in politics mentioned by people at their leisure. Her image as a female political warrior in the center of American political stage is admirable, but I think her effectiveness stays stable since Election 2008. She has been casting much attention, but always lost the stage by a slim margin. When she was almost there, she didn't make it. We have been used to this, and we start to take her less seriously as a leader. We can always come up with topics about Palin, but these topics are always of less seriousness and real respect. I do not think she should keep promoting herself through media, continuing her current trend. Instead, I think she should consider presenting herself through a new way, a new way that brings something fresh to the audience. We are tired of radical speeches, her opponency to current current government, and her advocacy of her deep love of country. We are are used to seeing her, we will regard her as a long-term participant/ actress on political stage instead of a strong candidate for presidency.

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