Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meet Christine O'Donnell...

The fact that a candidate this underqualified could unseat the supremely qualified and experienced Mike Castle is certainly something that the GOP should really be worried about. Perhaps it is with actions like these that show that the Tea Party is not necessarily a pro-GOP movement after all, as they seem to relish tearing down the candidacies of mainstream Republicans like Lisa Murkowski, Trey Greyson, Sue Lowden and Daniel Tarkanian. However independent of the GOP these Tea Party elements are, it is indisputable that it is a blessing from above for Democrats. Democrats should be practically jumping up and down at O'Donnell's victory. In a traditionally blue state like Delaware with a large amount of sensible independents that would normally have supported Castle, O'Donnell's victory has basically given the seat back to Democrats and making a Coons victory considerably more probable. I had this seat as a basically guaranteed Republican pick up before the primary but now I am tempted to call it lean Democrat or maybe even safe Democrat.

1 comment:

Max Geiduschek said...

This is one step closer to not having a GOP controlled Senate. Just what the Democrats needed. Here is a follow-up article: