Sunday, September 26, 2010

Poll: U.S. Wants More Health Reform, Not Less

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that such a substantial percentage of Americans favor more health care reform rather than less, as indicated by the Stanford University poll. Personally, I believe that health care reform is a worthy cause for two main reasons: one, no person should every be denied health care because of a pre-existing condition, and two, all Americans should be able to access medical care without being concerned for unreasonably high doctors’ bills. The current health care reform legislation may not have turned out exactly the way that the Obama Administration intended, but nevertheless, its crucial tenets are embodied in the legislation. After the conservative Bush years, it is a significant step towards improved health care to implement such landmark legislation. With the support of future presidential administrations, we will be able to gradually improve the bill, as our country strives to find a more efficient way to distribute health care.