Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tea party gains in US primaries

Is the tea party movement helping or hurting the Republican Party"? Does having two conservative parties hurt both their causes? The Republican primary in Delaware illustrates a rough relationship between the Tea Party and the Republican Party.

1 comment:

Victor Banor said...

Aside from Christine O'Donnell's win meaning that Republicans have almost no chance of taking control of Senate, James Hohmann, a reporter for Politico says, "[Tea Party has] been wiling to challenge the powers that be within the traditional party structures." Indeed, the Tea Party has proved to be formative in these elections and they are fueled by the philosophy of "restoring America." Besides the radical forms of free speech, the Tea Party is refreshing to have in politics. Many speculated that this political fad would go away but they haven't disappeared though. How far will they go? A majority of Americans today believe they cannot trust our government so I wonder if a majority of America will be willing to back the Tea Party. I don't see myself joining a Tea Party rally anytime soon.