Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New Health Care Rules: What They Will And Won't Do

It is unfortunate that there is still such a negative attitude towards the health care reform bill. While 40% people disapprove of the bill, a full third of respondents in polls either have no opinion at all or have not been informed enough to have an opinion of the bill. Even though so many disapprove it is to be noted that when people look at the individual aspects of the health care reform the approval for it skyrockets. Frankly I blame A: the media most of all for this vast disinformation effort that seems to have gone on, and B: the politicians who have enacted health care reform and yet have done very little to inform them of all the positives that it comes with. While the bill is not perfect, numerous aspects will fundamentally do good and will also reduce the deficit over all. And who exactly among us poor college students can truly complain about being kept on our parents health insurance until we're 26? Certainly not I! Things like that are just one of the positives and there are numerous more that need to be revealed to the American people.

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