Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beer, Candy And Pot Among Issues Before Voters

All that about money.

Fiscal environment is the most important issue for this year's mid-term election. Interestingly, many of our conventional hot topics, such as gay marriage and abortion, are no longer as important. What more important are candies, marijuana, beer allowance, and tax cut. Apparently, people put increasing revenue as top priority in this election.Could this be a bad sign for the Democratic Party?

1 comment:

Brendan Mullin said...

The debate over the legalization/decriminalization of marijuana is interesting. In one sense, government would be legalizing a drug that can potentially be addictive and dangerous. However, if state governments (and even the national government at some point in the future) decides to decriminalize and possibly legalize marijuana, the economic benefits could be vast. If state governments take proper steps to initiate the sale of legal marijuana, the capital raised from a marijuana tax could be enough to give state governments an enormous boost, especially in these hard economic times. It will be interesting to see what happens in the states that are voting on the decriminalization of marijuana. Also, It will be interesting to see if California residents legalize marijuana, and if California can potentially capitalize on this vote by taxing marijuana in the future.