Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Worst case scenarios for Dems and GOP


Ben Ligas said...

As a democrat I am trying to remain optimistic for this fall's elections however I can never quite underestimate the incompetence of the Democratic Party in retaining its own majorities. Even while running against far right candidates like Sharron Angle and Rand Paul, democrats still have trouble growing a spine and calling these characters out on their absurd policy suggestions like phasing out medicare and social security and abolishing the education department. And these are just some of Ms. Angle's suggestions. Mr. Paul has implied he would favor repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1965 because he sees it as unconstitutional. Despite clear advantages in having whacky candidates like these, democrats time and time again throw away opportunities like this. If the incompetence of the party stays true then I believe that a republican majority of ten or more in the House is more than possible, it's probable. And in the Senate, Harry Reid may manage to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

Emily H said...

At the same time, the second part of the article does mention the possibility of the Tea Party movement decreasing the chances of a Republican takeover. I tend to agree that this could happen (provided that the Democratic Party manages to use this to their advantage). I think a lot of the moderate-leaning-republican voters would be really turned off by the ideas of the Tea Party members.