Monday, September 6, 2010

Tea Party Promise and Problems

In my opinion, the entire article focused not on what the Tea Party is offering as the mid term election draws near, but on how they will effect the democratic and republican races to senate and house seats. The article seems to have a democratic, if not at the very least anti-tea party slant on it. One paragraph discusses how the democrats hope to gain from the Tea Party movement even though the "economy is still working against" them. Many people would argue that the democratic party is in part responsible for the downturn of the economy not that the economy has it out for democrats.

In general Tea Party candidates mentioned in this article are presented as unelectable, incompetent, and ignorant extremists. In the first paragraph Christine O’Donnell of Delaware is said to have many financial problems "including unpaid taxes and a home in foreclosure." Later on in the article she is cast away from the republican party because they believe she lied and manipulated voters. The article also cites what tactics both republican and democratic parties are doing to lesson the effects and energy of the Tea Party on the upcoming elections by discussing some of the more extreme policies they support. No where in the article are the actual goals of the Tea Party described, according to members of the party, which presents them in an uneven light.

1 comment:

TJE said...

Good post. The Publius Society is having a discussion about "The Meaning of the Tea Party Movement" next Monday at AHI.