Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Texas Is Campaign Issue in California Ads

Should California create jobs at an expense of environment?

California Proposition 32 will be on ballot on November 2. Under current economic environment, lowering unemployment rate has become the top priority. California's current unemployment rate is more than 12%, and Proposition 32 aims at loosening environmental regulation on jobs in order to create more jobs. Hitting the two key words - environment and jobs, Taxes has become both a role model and the enemy, suggested by the New York Times.

I do not think we should pass Proposition 32 for the following reasons. First, we will lose our position when accusing other countries of not being sustainable. The pass of Proposition 32 might become an evidence showing that the U.S. lets go the environmental issue for its economic growth. This does not match the global image we are trying to build. Second, Most oil related jobs belong to the secondary sector of the economy, that is, jobs processing raw materials. However, currently, the largest economic sector of the U.S. is the tertiary sector, that is, the service sector. Therefore, if we create more oil-related jobs, we are developing backward.

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